hello —

learn a bit more about me just below.

my name is christine bianca pelliccio —


I was born and raised in northern New Jersey, where I’ve wandered back to after completing my undergraduate degree in Chicago. I love asking questions, writing poetry, being in nature, playing guitar, and eating fruit. And laughing, very very loud.

why “bianca visual” ?

Bianca is my middle name, as well as my Italian grandmother's maiden name. Growing up, I disliked the name deeply and put off even learning how to spell it until it was absolutely necessary to. As I've grown older, though, I've come to love this name as a portrayal of my identity in humorous and heritage-based ways. What I once found as ugly and unpreferred, I now find as beautiful and unique. I am still fleshing out the metaphor woven deeply into, and throughout, that process, but for now — I've labeled my creative work under this banner of redemptive pondering on my own identity. I pray that my visual work may showcase itself classically and beautifully, as our names do so of our heritage and personhood. 

why words & images?

​I find that images and words lend wonderful context to one another. I seek to collect these two mediums, side-by-side, to both show and tell what I would desire to communicate — in a way that is beautiful, honoring, and inviting.

why film?

Integrating 35mm film and polaroids into my digital workflow allows for stillness, pausing, and meaning to permeate moments that are already drenched in significance. This classic, and tactile, format of photography never fails to deliver the most true-to-life, and yet properly romanticized, depiction of human unfoldings.

see what’s being made, real-time. over at @biancavisual :)